How long does it take to setup my shop?

30-60 minutes by following the instructions in these docs. Setting up a shop is a 100% self-service process for a developer. The quickest way to get started is using this repo.

What are the fees?

No setup fees. 1% transaction fee, 20% to the project, 80% to LIQNFT.

Can I launch an SPL token denominated marketplace?


Can I see some sample shops?

I setup my shop with the candy-machine-v2-with-marketplace repo but get on-chain errors when I try to sell an NFT

Common reasons:

  • Shop is incorrectly configured

  • You need to top-up syrup in your shop in My Shop

I'm using the candy-machine-v2-with-marketplace repo. Do I need to specify Candy Machine ID?

Candy Machine V2 is not required for Candy Shop to run. You can comment out that part of the code.

Can I bulk list NFTs?

Yes, you can use the Candy Shop CLI to bulk sell, buy and cancel NFT listings

Last updated