Edition Drop

Edition Drop allows you to sell edition-ed NFTs (i.e. NFTs with unique edition numbers) with a Master Edition NFT.

You can currently launch Edition Drops via Candy Shop SDK. We will be releasing a user interface as well at a later date.

There is an optional whitelist feature where you can specify a time period where buyers can only mint the edition-ed NFT with a whitelist token. The whitelist token can be any SPL token that you create and configure to fit your use case. For instance, it can be earned by buyers after they complete certain actions, giving them access to the drop.

Create Drop

Create a drop by transferring a Master Edition NFT into the Edition Drop program.

  // tokenAccount Publickey of the master edition NFT
  nftOwnerTokenAccount: web3.PublicKey;
  // Master edition NFT mint Publickey
  masterMint: web3.PublicKey;
  // Whitelist Sale token mint Publickey
  whitelistMint?: web3.PublicKey;
  // Master edition NFT owner wallet address
  nftOwner: AnchorWallet | web3.Keypair;
  // price in the shop payment coin, in the smallest unit
  price: BN;
  // unix timestamp
  startTime: BN;
  // in second
  salesPeriod: BN;
  // whitelist sales start time
  whitelistTime?: BN;

Fetch Drops

Fetch drops with your shop Id.

candyShop.fetchDropsByShopAddress(shopId: string);

Mint NFT

Mint an edition-ed NFT from a drop. Edition numbers are randomized on the client side to allow multiple buyers to mint NFTs at once smoothly.

  // tokenAccount Publickey of the master edtiion NFT
  nftOwnerTokenAccount: web3.PublicKey;
  // Master edition NFT mint Publickey
  masterMint: web3.PublicKey;
  // Whitelist Sale token mint Publickey
  whitelistMint?: web3.PublicKey;
  // Buyers anchor wallet instance or keypair (used for CLI)
  editionBuyer: AnchorWallet | web3.Keypair;

Last updated