
From all walks of life - blockchain natives to tech entrepreneurs to bankers - with a shared passion for transforming the NFT space.


Hikaru | Cofounder & CEO | Twitter

Multi-talented professional with experience in risk management, software development and project management in leading financial institutions and fintech startups.

RustySol | Cofounder & CTO | Twitter

Rust developer and vault architect at leading crypto exchange. Highly experienced blockchain expert in dealing with cold wallet management as well as on and off chain integration.


SolMaker | Software Engineering & Growth | Twitter

Tech entrepreneur and software engineer with one exit.

SoloVerse | Software Engineering Lead

Passionate software engineer who has developed innovative products on different platforms including web, mobile, CI/CD and more

MinhVan | Software Engineer

Kai | Software Engineer

nibbus | Software Engineer


SolMoose | Product Lead | Twitter

Product growth and innovation strategies in crypto and traditional finance.

Poffertjes | UI/UX Designer

Aagust | UI/UX Designer

Helzzz | QA


SolRunner | Marketing Lead | Twitter

Veteran digital and social media marketer specialized in consumer and FinTech sectors.

Conconut | Growth

Join Us

Want to join a fast-growing, passionate and rockstar team to build something big in the NFT space? Please DM SolMaker (will not dm)#9853 on Discord.

We're looking for:

  • React & full stack web3 developers

  • Solidity blockchain developers

  • Marketers & collab managers to promote Candy Shop adoption

  • Community managers

Last updated