The Solution
The solution to NFT's liquidity crisis today is frankly quite a simple one - to make NFT a more liquid and attractive asset.
Through fractionalization and serialization, LIQNFT aims to transform the otherwise expensive and illiquid NFT into Ownership Tokens (βOTβ) or Serialized Tokens (βSTβ), something much more affordable and manageable.
By dividing an asset into fractions, owners of NFT will be able to realize immediate benefit through risk mitigation - owners can now tailor their risk exposure by unwinding 20%, 30% or any amount of their NFT exposure, something unimaginable with conventional NFT. In addition, the owners will also be able to gain access to the LIQNFT OT or ST marketplace with deep liquidity and fair prices as well. Through the reinvention of NFT as highly flexible asset, we aim to bring potential buyers back to the market.
Fractionalization and serialization will also bring to the market new buyers that were previously priced out. As an NFT gets divided into 100, 1,000, 100,000 even 1,000,000 shares, the astronomical price point of an ultra-premium NFT such as Solana Monkey Business now suddenly seems less daunting and a lot more affordable.
Ultimately through LIQNFT, we hope bring buyers and sellers back into the space by offering a more accessible product with a more efficient market.
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