🪙How to mint an Ownership or Serialized Token?

See below step by step on

Step 1: Get a Solana wallet: Make sure you have a Solala wallet and enough funds to buy the fractionalized or serialized token you want. If you don’t have one, don’t worry, simply follow the step-by-step guide here.

Step 2: Connect your Solana wallet: click on the wallet button on the top right of the page to connect. Once you are connected, you should see your abbreviated wallet address displayed in the button.

Step 3: Go to Gallery: Make your way over to the Gallery page and browse for an NFT you want to buy (a.k.a. mint). See below useful information and a sample display of the page:

Step 4: Mint your token: Click on the vault you want to purchase and this will bring you to the minting page. Simply enter the number of tokens you want to mint (note for serialized vault, you will only be able to mint 1 token each time) and click on “Mint Token” to proceed.

Step 5: Approve the transaction: Once you’ve approved the transaction from your Solana wallet, you’re done! You should now see the tokens you’ve minted in your Solana wallet as well as under the “My Collection” section on LIQNFT.com.

Last updated